Materials Science Forum, Vol.475-479, 599-602, 2005
Low cycle fatigue behavior of a near-alpha Ti alloy containing rare earth Nd
Low cyclic behavior of a new type near-alpha titanium alloy containing rare earth Nd (Ti60) with and without dwell time introduced at maximum tensile strain has been investigated at ambient temperature and 600 degrees C. The results show that, Ti60 alloy exhibits a cyclic softening behavior at almost all strain levels being investigated. The cyclic processes show good agreement with predictions based on the fatigue crack propagation model. At 600 degrees C, the LCF life of Nd-bearing near-alpha titanium alloy is superior to that at room temperature within the investigated strain range, which indicates that Ti60 alloy is a good candidate for high temperature component under complicated load and temperature conditions. ne results also show that the creep-fatigue interaction is related to the strain range applied. The creep-fatigue fracture is characterized by transgranular fracture mode due to the formation of matrix voids induced by Nd-bearing particles.