Materials Science Forum, Vol.475-479, 2469-2472, 2005
Hydrogen-induced amorphization in C15 Laves phase DyCo2 studied by pressure calorimetry
Structural changes in C15 Laves phase DyCo2 on heating using a pressure differential scanning calorimeter (PDSC) in a hydrogen atmosphere between 0.1 and 5.0 NVa were investigated by a powder X-ray diffractometer (XRD), a differential scanning calorimeter under an argon flow atmosphere (Ar-DSC), a transmission electron microscope (TEM) and a hydrogen analyzer As the temperature of DyCo2 increases, the reactions such as hydrogen absorption in a crystalline state, HIA (hydrogen-induced amorphization), precipitation of DyH3 and decomposition of the remaining amorphous phase into beta-Co + DyH3 occurred exothermically for every hydrogen pressure. The mechanism of I-RA in DyCo2 is discussed on the basis of the experimental results.