Materials Science Forum, Vol.483, 753-756, 2005
Step structures produced by hydrogen etching of initially step-free (0001) 4H-SiC mesas
This paper presents new observations resulting from in-situ high temperature hydrogen etching of 4H-SiC mesas that were step-free prior to initiation of etching. In particular, it was found that well-ordered pyramidal-shaped step train structures could be produced on mesa top surfaces via stepflow etching proceeding inward from the sides of mesas. In many cases, the height of steps etched inward from {1(1) over bar 01} mesa sides is 0.5 nm (2 Si-C bilayers), while the height of steps etched inward from {1(1) over bar 00} sides of the same mesa is 1.0 nm (4 Si-C bilayers, the repeat distance of the 4H-SiC polytype). We propose that stepflow etching starting from the mesa sidewall and involving step-to-step repulsive forces produces the observed step train structures.