Materials Science Forum, Vol.505-507, 31-36, 2006
Mechanisms of heat transfer in rotary shaft of rotating machine with nano-sized particles lubricant
This study presents an analysis of surfactant added by CuO and Al2O3 nano-sized particles of different percentages. After adding suspending nanocrystalline particles into lubricant of machines, the nano-sized particles will augment the heat transfer characteristics of fluids. Some former studies showed that such liquids pose a great potential for heat transfer enhancement. By applying nanofluids to heat transfer of machine lubricant, this paper attempts to explore dominating factors of heat transfer performance from various weight concentrations of nano-sized particles, the correlation among wall temperature, heat flux, rotational Reynolds number, Nusselt number, Grashof number and rotational Grashof number of four different concentrations. The results show that nano-sized particle lubricant offer a better heat transfer performance than typical lubricants. Since random movement and diffusing effect of nano-sized particles are one crucial factor for an increased heat transfer coefficient, adding 3.5% weight concentration nano-sized particle lubricant will produce an optimum heat transfer performance among Case I similar to IV.