Materials Science Forum, Vol.519-521, 931-936, 2006
An analysis on the surface expansion of aluminum alloys in backward can extrusion process
This paper is concerned with the analysis on the surface expansion of AA 2024 and AA 1100 aluminum alloys in backward extrusion process. Due to heavy surface expansion appeared usually in the backward can extrusion process, the tribological conditions along the interface between the material and the punch land are very severe. In the present study, the surface expansion is analyzed especially under various process conditions. The main goal of this study is to investigate the influence of degree of reduction in height, geometries of punch nose, friction and hardening characteristics of different aluminum alloys on the material flow and thus on the surface expansion on the working material. Two different materials are selected for investigation as model materials and they are AA 2024 and AA 1100 aluminum alloys. The geometrical parameters employed in analysis include punch corner radius and punch face angle. The geometry of punch follows basically the recommendation of ICFG and some variations of punch geometry are adopted to obtain quantitative information on the effect of geometrical parameters on material flow. Extensive simulation has been conducted by applying the rigid-plastic finite element method to the backward can extrusion process under different geometrical, material, and interface conditions. The simulation results are summarized in terms of surface expansion at different reduction in height, deformation patterns including pressure distributions along the interface between workpiece and punch, comparison of surface expansion between two model materials, geometrical and interfacial parametric effects on surface expansion, and load-stroke relationships. It has been concluded from the present study that the geometrical condition of punch is the most significant factor among the parameters employed in this study. It is also known from the simulation results that the difference in surface expansion according to different material properties is not more or less significant.
Keywords:AA 2024 and AA 1100 aluminum alloys;surface expansion;parametric effects;ICFG recommendation;punch face angle