Materials Science Forum, Vol.524-525, 205-208, 2006
E7 - New strain scanner at HMI - High q-resolution for phase-sensitive analysis of stress distributions
A large distance between the reactor core and the monochromator together with a take-off angle of 90 degrees leads to low flux but high angular resolution of the diffractometer around 90 degrees scattering angle. The sample-table consists of two goniometers for heavy loads. An x-y-z table for heavy loads can be mounted, as well as different eulerian cradles, a mirror furnace or a tensile rig. The detector is a 20x20cm(2) position sensitive delay-line detector made by EMBL. A sophisticated primary and secondary slit system together with the recently installed high-resolution camera system allows the application of the high precision instrument alignment and calibration system recently developed at HM1. Here some special features of the instrument are presented and the consequences are outlined.