Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.4, No.1, 12-18, March, 1998
A Study on the Synthesis of C2-Hydrocarbons Using Methane Activation
Oxidative coupling of methane was carried out by the combination of plasma and catalytic reactions. The plasma conditions were in the range of 100-300W discharge power, 10-100 SCCM total flow rate and 2-20 torr pressure. The catalysts used were Ni/La2O3 and Cu-Zn/ γ-Alumina. The catalysts were prepared by washcoating method on honey-comb type ceramic substrates. The preliminary test results showed that the plasma activation of methane was strongly affected by the discharge power and feed flow rate. The plasma/catalytic reactions improved the conversion of methane and C2-yields as compared with the plasma reaction in the absence of catalysts, and Ni/La2O3 catalyst showed higher methane activity than that of Cu-Zn/ γ -Alumina catalyst. The optimum O2/CH4 ratio to maximize C2-yields was studied.
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