Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.4, No.3, 185-190, September, 1998
Synthesis of NiAPSO-34 Catalysts by Rapid Crystallization Method and their Catalytic Performance
The influence of acid sites of NiAPSO-34 on the catalytic performances was investigated in acid sites of NiAPSO-34 has influence on catalytic performance. NiAPSO-34 catalysts with various Al/Si ratios were synthesized by rapid crystallization method and characterized. As a result, it was illustrated that the Al/Si ratio has a considerable influence on the morphology of NiAPSO-34 crystal. When the Al/Si ratio was above 10, the crystal contained a impurity of AFI-type SAPO-5. With an increase in Al/Si ratio, the Br sted acid sites on crystals decreased. From these results, catalytic performances under methanol conversion were distinguished, in consequence, the conversion and selectivity to ethylene were greatly increased with the catalyst having Al/Si ratio of 7.7 on catalyst with a Al/Si = 7.7.
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