Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol.196, No.1, 23-34, 1997
Effects of asphaltene aggregation in model heptane-toluene mixtures on stability of water-in-oil emulsions
As part of an ongoing investigation into the stability of water-in-crude oil emulsions, model oils have been utilized to further probe the effects of crude solvency as well as specific resin-asphaltene interactions on emulsion stability. These model oils were constructed by dissolving varying amounts of resins and/or asphaltenes in a mixture of heptane and toluene. The resins and asphaltenes used in this study were isolated from four different crude types-Arab Berri (AB), Arab Heavy (AH), Alaska North Slope (ANS), and San Joaquin Valley (SJV)-and characterized in a previous study using heptane precipitation of the asphaltenes followed by an extrographic separation of the resins from silica gel. Asphaltenes dissolved in heptol at concentrations of just 0.5% were shown to generate emulsions which were even more stable than those generated from their respective whole crude oils. Some types of resins (e.g., from AH and SJV) also demonstrated an ability to stabilize emulsions although these resin-stabilized emulsions were considerably less stable than those prepared with asphaltenes. The primary factors governing the stability of these model emulsions were the aromaticity of the crude medium (as controlled by the heptane:toluene ratio), the concentration of asphaltenes, and the availability of solvating resins in the oil (i.e., the resin/asphaltene or R/A ratio). The model emulsions were the most stable when the crude medium was 30-40% toluene and in many cases at small R/A ratios (i.e., R/A less than or equal to 1). This strongly supports the theory that asphaltenes are the most effective in stabilizing emulsions when they are near the point of incipient precipitation. The types of resins and asphaltenes used to construct these model oils also played a role in determining the resultant emulsion stability which indicates the importance of specific resin-asphaltene interactions. The interfacially active components that stabilized these model systems were the most polar and/or condensed portions of the resin and asphaltene fractions as determined by elemental and neutron activation analyses. All of these results point to the significance of the solubility state of the asphaltenes in determining the emulsifying potential Of these crude oils.