Applied Chemistry, Vol.6, No.1, 368-371, May, 2002
Synthesis and Structural Analysis of Chemically Modified Pyrdine-Chitosan Derivatives and Their Meta Absorption Capacities
An attempt was made to prepare having pyridine derivatives contained chitosan derivatives that is suitable for N-substituted as thiobenzoic acid contained nicotinic acid and pyridinium derivatives side chain form. Those chitosan derivatives showed high selective adsorption abilities in order of Pb>Cd>Cu>Zn>Hg>Cr>Ba>Ag>Pt>Pd ions in mixed solution of various metal ions at pH 4.7. Chitosan derivative were synthesized treating with pyridine and pyridine derivatives to give them a high selectivity in adsorption of metal ions. The chitosan derivatives(6, 7) demonstrated their selectivity on precious metals among various metal ions distinctively. That is chitosan derivatives had a peculiar selective adsorption on Pb, Cr and Cu ions in mixed solution of various metal ions at pH 1.0. The chitosan derivatives are characterized by 1H-NMR and IR spectrum.