Thin Solid Films, Vol.530, 9-13, 2013
Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction for the study of polycrystalline layers
Different diffraction patterns measured above and below the critical angle for total reflection were recorded on a Gd doped ceria layer deposited on a Si(100) substrate in asymmetric coplanar diffraction conditions. From the analysis of diffraction patterns, it was possible to point out peculiar optical aberrations responsible for the shifts and the broadenings of Bragg peaks induced by this setup. Corrections for all these aberrations were implanted in a Rietveld programme. Using these corrections, it becomes possible to follow the evolution of the structure (chemical composition, phases) and the micro structure (strain field, micro strain due to heterogeneities between grains, size of coherent diffracting domains) versus the depth on thin films. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.