Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol.223, No.1, 74-82, 2000
Investigation of structure and growth of self-assembled polyelectrolyte layers by X-ray and neutron scattering under grazing angles
The structure of self-assembled polyelectrolyte thin films on float glass has been investigated by interface sensitive X-ray and neutron scattering methods. Special emphazis was given to the adsorption process of poly (ethylene imine) and polystyrole sulfonate as an important model system which is often used as a basis for subsequent multilayer buildup. From complementary X-ray and neutron reflectivity data, the vertical film density profile was derived for various growth parameters, including kinetic effects of different adsorption times. In addition to specular reflectivity, we have for the first time employed nonspecular X-ray scattering to study lateral structure parameters in self-assembled polyelectrolyte films. Furthermore, the technique of time-resolved in situ X-ray reflectivity during film growth has been demonstrated and is discussed in view of its future potential.