Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.17, No.9, 500-506, September, 2007
표면에너지의 이방성에 따른 다공체의 조직변화 시뮬레이션
Simulation on the Microstructure Development of Porous Materials with Respect to the Surface Energy Anisotropy
The effects of anisotropic surface energy on the microstructure development of porous materials have been studied through Monte Carlo simulation using a three dimensional lattice. The changes in porosity (), mean grain diameter (), fraction of connected pores () and contiguity of the solid phase (C) were examined in cases with three different relations and initial grain diameters (). It has been found that larger enhances sintering of particles and increases C and does not change . And Introducing anisotropic brought an increase in and and an decrease in and C, and this tendency become more marked for fine .
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