Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.21, 405-413, January, 2015
Simultaneous ultra-trace palladium(II) detection and recovery from wastewater using new class meso-adsorbent
A novel functionalized mesoporous silica based meso-adsorbent was prepared for simple, efficient and rapid determination, sorption and recovery of trace palladium(II) in wastewater. The meso-adsorbent was prepared by indirect immobilization of ((3-(3-(methoxycarbonyl)benzylidene)hydrazinyl)benzoic acid) onto the cage-pored mesoporous silica. The optimum conditions were measured as a function of solution acidity, contact time, ion selectivity and adsorption isotherms models. The data revealed that meso-adsorbent offered simple and one-step procedure without using high tech instruments. The determined detection limit and sorption capacity were 0.11 μg/L and 184.50 mg/g, respectively. The meso-adsorbent can be repeatedly recycled without deterioration of the unique mesostructures and maintaining the same functionality for detection/sorption operations in next uses.
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