Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.15, No.3, 155-160, March, 2005
리튬용융염계 산화성분위기에서 Al-Y 코팅한 Haynes 263의 고온 부식거동
Hot Corrosion Behavior of Al-Y Coated Haynes 263 in Lithium Molten Salt under Oxidation Atmosphere
The electrolytic reduction of spent oxide fuel involves the liberation of oxygen in a molten LiCl electrolyte, which results in a chemically aggressive environment that is very corrosive fir typical structural materials. So, it is essential to choose the optimum material f3r the process equipment handling molten salt. In this study, the corrosion behavior of Al-Y coated Haynes 263 in a molten salt of LiCl?Li 2 O under oxidation atmosphere was investigated at 650 ? C for 72\~168 hours. The corrosion rate of Al-Y coated Haynes 263 was low while that of bare Haynes 263 was high in a molten salt of LiCl?Li 2 O . Al-Y coated Haynes 263 improved the corrosion resistance better than bare Haynes 263 alloy. An Al oxide layer acts as a protective film which Prohibits Penetration of oxygen. Corrosion Products were formed Li(Ni,Co)O 2 and LiTiO 2 on bare Haynes 263, but LiAlO 2 ,Li 5 Fe 5 O 8 andLiTiO 2 on Al-Y coated Haynes 263.
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