Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.14, No.5, 358-362, May, 2004
규석광으로부터 직접 질화법에 의한 질화규소의 합성
Synthesis of Si 3 N 4 from Domestic Silica-stone by Direct Nitriding Method
Si 3 N 4 ceramics have been identified as one of the promising structural ceramics. This study has been carried out to investigate of the synthetic behaviors of Si 3 N 4 derived from domestic silica-stone by direct nitriding method. The silicon nitridation reaction has been studied in the temperature range of 1300 1550 ? C . Below the 1400 ? C , the nitriding rate was measured to be 16%. For the temperatures higher than the 1400 ? C , β - Si 3 N 4 phase was formed mainly, and the nitriding rate showed above 98%. With the increasing of sample weight of silicon powder, the nitriding rate and β - Si 3 N 4 phase increased at 1400 ? C for 2 hours. The shape and particle size of Si 3 N 4 powder synthesized at 1400 ? C for 2 hours showed the irregular angular-type and 10 μm , respectively.
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