Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.13, No.10, 691-696, October, 2003
TiO2 피복 석탄회의 광촉매 특성에 미치는 WO3의 첨가 효과
Effect of Adding WO3 on Photocatalytic Property of TiO2 Coated Coal Fly Ash
To improve the photocatalyticactivity of -coated coal fly ash, tungsten hydroxide was doped by impregnation method and was oxidized by heat treatment in temperature ranges of for 2 hrs. The changes of crystal structure and crystal size of and on coal fly ash were investigated by X-ray diffraction analysis. The crystal structure of titanium dioxide showed only anatase type and - compounds appeared in the heat treatment temperature ranges of . By adding in coated on fly ash, the growth of crystal size of anatase was restrained and the anatase phase was stabilized in temperature ranges of TEX>$500∼<800^{\circ}C$. And acted as a trap site of electrons excited from anatase by irradiating UV. The maximum removal efficiency of NO gas for /-coated coal fly ash was 84% and appeared when the ammonium tungstate of $1.310^{-3}$ M was doped and then heated at for 2 hrs.
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