Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.13, No.9, 606-612, September, 2003
나노인덴테이션과 주사탐침현미경을 이용한 박막 재료의 특성평가
Characterization of Thin Film Materials by Nanoindentation and Scanning Probe Microscopy
Surface and mechanical properties of thin films with submicron thickness was characterized by nanoindentation with Berkovich and Vickers tips, and scanning probe microscopy. Nanoindention was made in a depth range of 15 to 200 nm from the surface by applying tiny force in a range from 150 to N. Stiffness, contact area, hardness, and elastic modulus were determined from the force-displacement curve obtained. Reliability was first tested by using fused quartz, a standard sample. Elastic modulus and hardness values of fused quartz measured were the same as those reported in the literature within two percent of error. Mechanical properties of ITO thin film were characterized in a depth range of 15∼200nm. As indentation depth increased, elastic modulus and hardness decreased by substrate effect. Ion beam deposited DLC thin films were indented in a depth range of 40∼50 nm. The results showed that the DLC thin film using benzene and bias voltage 0∼-50 V has elastic modulus and hardness value of 132 and 18 GPa respectively. Pure DLC thin films showed roughnesses lower than 0.25 nm, but silicon-added DLC thin films showed much higher roughness values, and the wavy surface morphology.
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