Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.13, No.7, 429-435, July, 2003
미소시험편에 의한 재질열화된 내열강의 고온 크리프 특성 평가
High Temperature Creep Characteristics Evaluation for Degraded Heat Resistance Steel of Power Plant by Mini-Specimen
In this study the new creep test using miniaturized specimen(10100.5 ㎣) was performed to evaluate the creep characteristics for degraded materials of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel. For this creep test, the artificially aged materials for 330 hrs and 1820hrs at were used. The test temperatures applied for the creep deformation of miniaturized specimens was X and the applied loads were between 45 kg∼80 kg. After creep test, macro- and microscopic observation were conducted by the scanning electron microscope(SEM). The creep curves depended definitely on applied load and microstructure and showed the three stages of creep behavior like uniaxial tensile creep curves. The load exponents of virgin, 330 hrs and 1820 hrs materials based on creep rate showed 14.8, 9.5 and 8.3 at respectively, The 1820 hrs material showed the lowest load exponent and this behavior was also observed in the case of load exponent based on creep rupture time. In contrast to virgin material which exhibited fined dimple fractography, a lot of carbides like net structure and voids were observed on the fractography of degraded materials.
Keywords:miniaturized specimen;initial creep strain();steady state creep rate();creep rupture time();load exponent(n;m);larson miller parameter;carbide;void;degraded material
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