Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.12, No.12, 904-910, December, 2002
고에너지 전자빔 투사를 이용한 TiC, TiB 2 및 VC/ 탄소강 표면합금화 연구
Study of Surface Alloying of TiC, TiB 2 and VC with Carbon Steel Using High Energy Electron Beam Irradiation
Surface alloying using TiC, TiB 2 and VC ceramic particles on carbon steel has been performed using high voltage electron beam. Each type of ceramic particles was mixed with flux of Al and MgF 2 in 1 to 4 ratio. The microstructures of the surface alloyed layers consisted of melted region, interface region. heat affected region and the unaffected matrix. The surface layer of the TiC surface alloyed had a cubed primary and a eutectic type of TiC. TiB 2 in surface layer of TiB 2 surface alloyed were incompletely melted with TiB 2 particles as observed before the alloying. On the surface layer of the VC surface alloyed, very well defined cell structure was observed with VC on the cell boundary. In addition, ~50 nm in diameter VC particles in high density were ubiquitous in the matrix. Those fine VC particles prominently improved the hardness and wear resistance of the surface layer of the VC surface alloyed.
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