Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.12, No.6, 447-451, June, 2002
플라즈마질화시 방전가스중 질소가스의 비율이 공구강(SKH51)의 질화층 및 미소경도에 미치는 영향
Effects of Nitrogen Gas Ratio on Nitride Layer and Microhardness of Tool Steel(SKH51) in Plasma Nitriding
Pulsed DC-plasma nitriding has been applied to form nitride layer having only a diffusion layer. The discharge current with the variation of discharge gases is proportional to the intensity of N + 2 peak in optical emission spectroscopy during the plasma nitriding. The discharge current, microhardness in surface of substrate and depth of nitride layer increased with the ratio of N 2 toH 2 gas in discharge gases. When the ratio of N 2 toH 2 is lower than 60% in the discharge gases, high microhardness value of 1100Hv nitride layer which contains no compound layer has been formed.
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