Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.12, No.6, 476-481, June, 2002
GaOOH로부터 합성된 GaN 분말의 구조적, 광학적 특성
Structural and Optical Properties of GaN Powders Synthesized from GaOOH
In this work, we report on the synthesis of the GaN powders from gallium oxide hydroxide (GaOOH) powders and on the structural and optical properties of them. Simple heat treatment of GaOOH in the flow of NH 3 gas leads to the formation of submicron hexagonal GaN powders even at the low reaction temperature of 800 ? C . XRD measurements show that the powders obtained are the single phase GaN. EDS, FTIR, and PL measurements indicate the oxygen-associated characteristics. It is shown from the low temperature PL measurement on GaN powders synthesized at 1000 ? C that the shallow donor-acceptor recombination induced emission is more intense than the near band-edge excitonic emission.
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