Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.12, No.3, 190-194, March, 2002
MOCVD 성장조건이 InN/GaN 다층박막의 발광세기에 미치는 영향
The Effect of MOCVD Growth Parameters on the Photolumenescence Intensity of InN/GaN Multi-layers
InN/GaN multi-layers were grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD) in order to get the appropriate structure for an high power blue-green light emitting diode(LED), and effects of growth conditions (growth temperature, pressure, and trimethylindium(TMIn)?NH 3 ?N 2 flowrare) on the integrated photoluminescence (PL) intensity and PL peak energy in InN/GaN multi-layers were investigated. The optimized growth conditions with the highest integrated PL intensity for InN/GaN multi-layers were obtained: the growth temperature at 780 ? C , the growth pressure at 325 Torr, the TMIn flow rate with 150 mℓ /min, the NH 3 flow rate with 3.2 ι/min, and N 2 flow rate with 2 ι/min.
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