Clean Technology, Vol.4, No.1, 24-34, June, 1998
환경마크제도(Eco-Labelling)의 환경 및 무역효과
Environmental and Trade Effects of Eco-Labelling
Eco-labelling programs contributed to the promotion of international trade of environmentally friendly products. However, it has potential trade implications. From the WTO's point of view, environmental measures relevant to eco-labelling should not discriminate between home produced goods and imported goods. Transparency should be guaranteed in preparation, adoption and application of eco-labelling. Developed countries address that eco-labelling of non-product PPM criteria is included in the provisions of TBT of WTO. However, there are more general afraids that non-product PPM-based eco-labelling can be unfairly discriminately trade measures without transparency Thus, transparency of procedures of eco-labelling, harmonization and mutual recognition of eco-labelling criteria, and technical assistance should be recommended in order to reduce trade-discriminating effects of eco-labelling.
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