Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.12, No.2, 160-165, February, 2002
강유전체를 이용한 이동통신주파수 대역용 박형 전파흡수체의 제조 및 특성
Fabrication and Properties of Thin Microwave Absorbers of Ferroelectric Materials Used in Mobile Telecommunication Frequency Bands
High-frequency dielectric and microwave absorbing properties have been investigated in ferroelectric materials (BaTiO 3 (BT), (1-x)Pb Mg 13 Nb 23 )O 3 -xPbTiO 3 (PMN-PT), (1-x)Pb Mg 13 Nb 23 O 3 -xPb(Zn_{\frac{1}{3}}Nb_{\frac{2}{3}})O _3$ (PMN-PZN) for the aim of thin microwave absorbers in the frequency range of mobile telecommunication. The specimenns are prepared by conventional ceramic processing and complex permittivity has been measured by transmission/reflection method. The ferroelectric materials show high dielectric constant and dielectric loss in the microwave range and their domiant loss mechanism is considered to be domain wall relaxation. The microwave absorbance of BT 0.9PMN-0.1PT, and 0.8PMN-0.2PZN specimen (determined at 2) are found to be 99.5% (at a thickness of 4.5 mm), 50% (2.5 mm), and 30% (2.5 mm), respectively. It is suggested that PMN-PT or PMN-PZN ferroelectrics are good candidate materials for the spacer of λ/4 absorber. The use of ferroelectric materials is effective in reducing the thickness of absorber with their advantage of high dielectric constant.
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