Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.23, No.1, 276-280, 2015
Effect of starch particles on foam stability and dilational viscoelasticity of aqueous-foam
Surface dilational rheological behavior and foam stability of starch/surfactant mixed solutions were studied at different starch concentrations and constant surfactant concentration. The results show that dilational viscoelasticity modulus, dilational elasticity modulus and dilational viscosity modulus increase with the concentration of starch particles. Foam stability increases with dilational viscoelasticity. Foam strength also increases with starch concentration. Starch particles play a positive effect on foam stability and dilational viscoelasticity and the effect becomes more significant as drainage proceeds. Film pictures indicate that the film with 20% (by mass) starch particles is thicker than that without starch. Starch particles gather in Plateau border and resist drainage, making the foam more stable. (C) 2014 The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, and Chemical Industry Press. All rights reserved.