Energy & Fuels, Vol.29, No.2, 793-799, 2015
Influence of Phenols on the Oxidation Stability of Home Heating Oils/FAME Blends
The formation of deposits in fossil and biogenic home heating oils as well as in their blends is well-known. As a result, sediments can plug filters and nozzles in heating systems and thus cause operability problems. Different kinds of compounds are presumed to be involved in these processes. It is well-known that phenols play an important part but, on the other hand, phenols are also known to act as antioxidants that delay the oxidation of fuel compounds, and thus the formation of reactive products. To study the antioxidant effect of different phenols, model fuels (biogenic, fossil and a 10% v/v blend) were doped with several representatives of this class of compounds. The samples were artificially aged using the PetroOXY (DIN EN 16091) method. The induction time was recorded and gave information on the impact of the tested substance on the model fuel. Infrared spectrometry was used to investigate the oxidation products. Furthermore, the phenols of a commercial heating oil were extracted and then the oil was aged to test the influence of phenols in real samples. All the tested phenols, both synthetic and naturally occurring (biogenic and fossil), increased the induction time of artificial model fuels and commercial heating oil. In each model fuel, a different phenol showed the largest influence on the stability whereas phenols alkylated in both the ortho and the para positions generally showed the largest beneficial effects