Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.11, No.12, 1057-1062, December, 2001
진공주조법에 의한 TiNi 형상기억합금 강화 6061Al 지적 복합재료의 계면 및 인장 특성
Interfacial and Tensile Properties of TiNi Shape Memory Alloy reinforced 6061 Al Smart Composites by vacuum casting
We investigated the change of mechanical properties for TiNi shape memory alloy by heat treatment. 6061Al matrix composites with TiNi shape memory alloy as reinforcement were fabricated by vacuum casting. TiNi alloy has the maximum tensile strength at 673K treated and there is no change of tensile strength and hardness at 448K treated. The composites, prepared by vacuum casting, showed good interface bonding by vacuum casting. It was about 3 μm of thickness of the diffusion layer. Tensile strength of the composite was in higher than that of 6061Al alloy as increased value of about 70MPa at room temperature and about 110MPa at 363K. We thought that the increase of the tensile strength at 363K was due to reverse transformation of the TiNi shape memory alloy.
Keywords:TiNi shape memory alloy;heat treatment;metal matrix composite;mechanical properties;microstructures;interface property
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