Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.11, No.12, 1074-1079, December, 2001
Neutron Radiography를 이용한 고탄소흑연강에서 붕소 분석
Boron Analysis in High Carbon Graphitized Steel using Neutron Autoradiography
To study the distribution of boron and the boron effect for nucleation of graphite in high carbon steel, neutron induced autoradiography method is used. High carbon steel is easy to make the graphitization by addition of boron. It is easy to analysis of boron distribution using neutron radiography with neutron fluence of 1.9 \times×10 13 /cm 2 in the boron added high carbon steel. By the neutron induced autoradiography technique, it was found that the distribution of boron depended on boron content, graphitiging temperature and time. And by the analysis of secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) and electron probe micro analysis (EPMA), boron or boride were acted at nucleation site of graphite in high carbon steel.
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