Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.53, No.38, 14679-14694, 2014
MINLP Formulation for Simultaneous Planning, Scheduling, and Control of Short-Period Single-Unit Processing Systems
A simultaneous strategy for solving the integrated planning, scheduling, and control problem considering short-term periods is proposed in this paper. The problem is formulated as a mixed integer dynamic optimization problem. The main practical motivation to use a simultaneous rather than a sequential solution strategy is to seek improved optimal solutions by considering the interactions among planning, scheduling, and control. Integration of the three levels of the problem represents a challenge given the very different horizon times involved in the operations, resulting in growth of the problem in terms of the number of equations to be solved and hence on computational requirements to carry it out. A full space approach was used rather than trying a decomposition strategy. Moreover, a nonlinear model predictive control strategy was also used to account for online product transition trajectories. The integrated planning, scheduling, and control is formulated as a mixed integer dynamic optimization model, which is tested using the dynamic models of three continuous stirred tank reactors featuring different nonlinear behavior.