Przemysl Chemiczny, Vol.93, No.12, 2020-2024, 2014
Nanopowder silicon carbide and carbon/silicon carbide composites prepared by the aerosol-assisted synthesis
The liq. (Me3Si)(2)O and (OSiMe2)(n), siloxanes (optionally, in EtOH solns.) and MeSi(OMe)(3), Si(OMe)(4), Si(OEt)(4), and MeSi(OEt)(3) organosilanes were aerosolized and pyrolyzed as mists at 1200 degrees C under Ar to afford raw powders of spheroidal particle morphol. The raw powders were then pyrolyzed in bulk at 1650 C under Ar resulting in pure SIC, composite C/SiC or oxycarbide SiOxCy nanopowders analyzed then for composition, morphol, and crystallinity.