Minerals Engineering, Vol.30, 62-66, 2012
Study of pyrochlore matrix composition effects on froth flotation by SEM-EDX
Scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) was used to analyse pyrochlore grains from Niobec froth flotation plant. Approximately 200 pyrochlore gains from the mill feed, pyrochlore rougher feed, pyrochlore rougher concentrate, and tail were analysed in order to identify a potential relationship between pyrochlore matrix composition and selective separation. Analyses indicate that pyrochlore grains with high Fe content appear to be less recoverable than those with a lower Fe content. Furthermore, analysis indicates that the flotation response is related to matrix Fe rather than Fe occurring as inclusions within the pyrochlore. These mineralogical investigation results are from a much larger program where pyrochlore matrix composition will be examined in relation to surface chemistry and flotation selectivity. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.