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Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.11, No.8, 713-720, August, 2001
비정질 Tb 45.7 Fe 54.3?x Co x 및 Tb 50.2 Fe 49.8?x Co x (0 ? x ? 9.6) 합금박막의 자기변형 및 자기적 특성
Magnetostrictive and Magnetic Properties of Amorphous Tb 45.7 Fe 54.3?x Co x 및 Tb 50.2 Fe 49.8?x Co x (0 ? x ? 9.6) Alloy Thin Films
비정질 Tb 45.7 Fe 54.3?x / Co x 및 Tb 50.2 / Fe 49.8-x/ Co x (0 ≤ x≤ 9.6) 합금박막의 자기적 특성 및 자기변형특성에 대하여 체계적으로 조사하였다. 박막제조는 Fe 타게트에 Tb, Co 소편으로 구성된 복합타겟 방식의 rf 마그네트론 스퍼터링법에 의해 제조하였다. XRD 조사에의 한 박막의 미세구조는 잘 발달된 비정질 구조를 나타내었다. Tb 45.7 Fe 54.3?x Co x (x=2~4)에서 우수한 고유자기변형특성 및 저자기장자기변형특성을 얻었다. 즉, 100 Oe의 저자장에서 130ppm의 자기변형을 나타내었으며 고유자기변형 (인가 자기장, 5 kOe)은 330ppm에서 400ppm으로 증가하였다.
The magnetic and magnetostrictive properties of amorphous Tb 45.7 Fe 54.3-x Co x and Tb 50.2 Fe 49.8-x Co x (0≤x≤9.6) thin films have systematically been investigated. The films were fabricated by rf magnetron sputtering using a composite target which consists of a Fe plate and Tb, Co chips. The microstructure mainly consists of an amorphous phase. Excellent intrinsic and low magnetic-field-magnetostrictive properties were achieved in Tb 45.7 Fe 54.3-x Co x and Tb 50.2 Fe 49.8-x Co x (0≤x≤9.6). The magnetostriction of 130 ppm was obtained with low field of 100 Oe. The intrinsic magnetostriction(applied field, 5 kOe) were increased from 330ppm to 400ppm.
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