Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.26, 157-166, June, 2015
Preparation, characterization and kinetics of ion exchange studies of Ni2+ selective polyaniline-Zr(IV)molybdophosphate nanocomposite cation exchanger
Polyaniline-Zr(IV)molybdophosphate (PAZMP) was synthesized by sol-gel mixing of polyaniline (PANI) into the inorganic precipitate Zr(IV)molybdophosphate (ZMP). The physico-chemical properties of the material were characterized by using XRD, TGA, FTIR, SEM and TEM. Distribution studies for various metal ions revealed that the composite is highly selective for Ni2+. Its selectivity was examined by achieving some important binary separations of metal cations which indicates its utility in environmental pollution control. Ion-exchange kinetics for few divalent metal ions was evaluated by particle diffusion-controlled ion-exchange phenomenon at different temperatures. Some physical parameters like D0, Ea and ΔS0 have been evaluated under favoring a particle diffusion-controlled mechanism.
Keywords:Nanocomposite;PAZMP cation exchanger;Separation;Ni2+ selective;Particle diffusion-controlled mechanism;Kinetics
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