Applied Chemistry for Engineering, Vol.26, No.4, 505-510, August, 2015
메틸렌피페라지노메틸-비스-포스폰산 금속염으로 처리된 시험편의 연소성
Combustive Properties of Specimens Treated with Methylenepiperazinomethyl-Bis-Phosphonic Acid (Mn+)s
이 연구에서는 메틸렌피페라지노메틸-비스-포스폰산 금속염(PIPEABPMn+)과 메틸렌피페라지노메틸-비스-포스폰산(PIPEABP)으로 처리된 리기다 소나무의 연소성을 시험하였다. 15 wt%의 메틸렌피페라지노메틸-비스-포스폰산 금속염과 메틸렌피페라지노메틸-비스-포스폰산 수용액으로 각각 리기다 소나무에 3회 붓칠하여 실온에서 건조시킨 후, 콘칼로리미터(ISO 5660-1)를 이용하여 연소성을 시험하였다. 그 결과, 메틸렌피페라지노메틸-비스-포스폰산 금속염으로 처리한 시험편은 메틸렌피페라지노메틸-비스-포스폰산을 처리한 시험편에 비해 최대질량감소율(MLR peak)이 (0.104~0.121) g/s으로 낮았다. 그리고 금속염으로 처리한 시험편(PIPEABPMn+)은 메틸렌피페라지노메틸-비스-포스폰산 알루미늄염(PIPEABPAl3+)으로 처리한 시험편을 제외하고, 금속염으로 처리하지 않은 시험편(PIPEABP)보다 낮은 총연기발생률(TSRR), (224.4~484.0) m2/m2과 낮은 CO mean (0.0537~0.0628) kg/kg 값을 보였다. 특별히 금속염 처리 시험편(PIPEABPMn+)의 2차 연기발생속도(2nd-SPR)는 (0.0117~0.0146) m2/s으로서 금속염으로 처리하지 않은 시험편(PIPEABP)에 비하여 낮았다. 따라서 메틸렌피페라지노메틸-비스-포스폰산 금속염으로 처리한 시험편은 처리하지 않은 시험편과 비교하여 연소 억제성을 부분적으로 향상시켰다.
This study was performed to test the combustive properties of pinus rigida specimens treated with methylpiperazinomethyl-bis-phosphonic acid Mn+ (PIPEABPMn+)s and methylpiperazinomethyl-bis-phosphonic acid (PIPEABP). Each pinus rigida plates were painted three times with 15 wt% PIPEABPMn+s or PIPEABP solutions at the room temperature. After drying specimens treated with chemicals, combustive properties were examined by the cone calorimeter (ISO 5660-1). It was indicated that the speed to peak mass loss rate (MLR peak), (0.104~0.121) g/s for specimens treated with PIPEABPMn+s was lower than that of PIPEABP plate. In addition, the total smoke release rate (TSRR), (224.4~484.0) m2/m2 for PIPEABPMn+s treated specimens except specimen treated with PIPEABPAl3+ and CO mean production (0.0537~0.0628) kg/kg was smaller than that of PIPEABP plate. In particular, for the specimens treated with PIPEABPMn+ by reducing the smoke production rate, the second-smoke production rate (2nd-SPR) (0.0117~0.0146) m2/s was lower than that of PIPEABP plate. It can thus be concluded that combustion-retardation properties of the treated PIPEABPMn+s were partially improved compared to those of the virgin plate.
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