Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.25, No.7, 352-357, July, 2015
SiOC 절연박막 특성에 의존하는 ITO 투명박막의 전기적인 특성과 오믹접합의 효과
Ohmic Contact Effect and Electrical Characteristics of ITO Thin Film Depending on SiOC Insulator
To research the characteristics of ITO film depending on a polarity of SiOC, specimens of ITO/SiOC/glass with metal-insulator-substrates (MIS) were prepared using a sputtering system. SiOC film with 17 sccm of oxygen flow rate became a non-polarity with low surface energy. The PL spectra of the ITO films deposited with various argon flow rates on SiOC film as non-polarity were found to lead to similar formations. However, the PL spectra of ITO deposited with various argon flow rates on SiOC with polarity were seen to have various features owing to the chemical reaction between ITO and the polar sites of SiOC. Most ITO/SiOC films non-linearly showed the Schottky contacts and current increased. But the ITO/SiOC film with a low current demonstrated an Ohmic contact.
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