Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.29, 32-34, September, 2015
Enhanced dye stability in dye-sensitized solar cells using 1D-structured titanate
Hydrogen titanate nanowires were synthesized for exploiting their high injection efficiency in dyesensitized solar cells and the degradation of a dye in the presence of the nanowires under UV irradiation was evaluated. The band-gap energy of the hydrogen titanate nanowires was 3.9 eV, which was much higher than that of commercial P25 TiO2 nanoparticles. Dye degradation of 40% was achieved with the nanowires, whereas P25 nanoparticles induced 70% degradation of the dye under UV irradiation. Thus, hydrogen titanate nanowires may prospectively be used as a photoanode material in dye-sensitized solar cells to minimize dye and electrolyte degradation by photocatalytic oxidation.
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