Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, Vol.8, No.6, 343-348, 1995
Model off-site emergency plan. Case study: Toxic gas release from a fertilizer unit
An emergency plan is a formal written plan which, on the basis of identified potential accidents together with their consequences, describes how such accidents and their consequences should be handled either on-site or off-site. The primary objective of the off-site emergency plan for a hazardous installation is the prevention of accidents resulting in harm to human health, the environment or property. The prevention of accidents involving hazardous substances is the concern of many interested parties, including public authorities (district emergency authority, police, fire and medical services etc.) at all levels, industry and the community. This paper provides an overview of the release scenarios and affected areas, rescue and evacuation plans, communication and public information systems, roles and responsibilities of the district emergency authority, police, fire and medical authorities and their training, testing the plan/mock drill performance, review/observations, and finalization.