Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, Vol.10, No.5, 325-332, 1997
Accidents and risk control
A framework for transformation of knowledge and experience from risk analysis to emergency education is presented. An accident model was developed built on the concept "uncontrolled flow of energy (UFOE)", where essential elements are the state, location and movement of the energy. A UFOE can be considered as the driving force of an accident, e.g. an explosion, a release of heavy gases. A domain model has been developed for representing emergencies occurring in society. A domain is a group of activities with allied goals and elements, and the domain model uses three main categories: status, context and objectives. Ten specific domains have been investigated including process plant, energy production and distribution, natural disasters and different sorts of transport. Totally 25 accident cases were consulted and information was extracted for filling into the schematic representations with two to four cases pr. specific domain.