Combustion and Flame, Vol.162, No.10, 3632-3647, 2015
Prediction of combustion instability limit cycle oscillations by combining flame describing function simulations with a thermoacoustic network model
Accurate prediction of limit cycle oscillations resulting from combustion instability has been a long-standing challenge. The present work uses a coupled approach to predict the limit cycle characteristics of a combustor, developed at Cambridge University, for which experimental data are available (Balachandran, Ph.D. thesis, 2005). The combustor flame is bluff-body stabilised, turbulent and partially-premixed. The coupled approach combines Large Eddy Simulation (LES) in order to characterise the weakly non-linear response of the flame to acoustic perturbations (the Flame Describing Function (FDF)), with a low order thermoacoustic network model for capturing the acoustic wave behaviour. The LES utilises the open source Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) toolbox, OpenFOAM, with a low Mach number approximation for the flow-field and combustion modelled using the PaSR (Partially Stirred Reactor) model with a global one-step chemical reaction mechanism for ethylene/air. LES has not previously been applied to this partially-premixed flame, to our knowledge. Code validation against experimental data for unreacting and partially-premixed reacting flows without and with inlet velocity perturbations confirmed that both the qualitative flame dynamics and the quantitative response of the heat release rate were captured with very reasonable accuracy. The LES was then used to obtain the full FDF at conditions corresponding to combustion instability, using harmonic velocity forcing across six frequencies and four forcing amplitudes. The low order thermoacoustic network modelling tool used was the open source OSCILOS (http://www.oscilos.com). Validation of its use for limit cycle prediction was performed for a well-documented experimental configuration, for which both experimental FDF data and limit cycle data were available. The FDF data from the LES for the present test case was then imported into the OSCILOS geometry network and limit cycle oscillations of frequency 342 Hz and normalised velocity amplitude of 0.26 were predicted. These were in good agreement with the experimental values of 348 Hz and 0.21 respectively. This work thus confirms that a coupled numerical prediction of limit cycle behaviour is possible using an entirely open source numerical framework. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Combustion Institute.