Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.54, No.27, 6975-6984, 2015
Equilibrium Study of Heavy Metals Adsorption on Kaolin
The adsorption Of Cu(II), Cd(II), and Zn(II) from One- and two-component systems, on the raw and Na-form of kaolin, was,investigated,under batch conditions The transformation of the raw kaolin into its Na-form causes surface-to-surface arrangement of Crystals, which led to quantitatively similar hut certainly different metal ion isotherm curves. Subsequently, the identified homogeneous Langmuirian adsorption on raw kaolin changed after Sodium saturation into a heterogonous. one. The-Langmuir constants obtained from one-component Systems were used to test the applicability of the new isotherm equation for Modeling of the two-component equilibrium on raw kaolin. This model yielded quantification of the relative amounts of bin-ding sites on the kaolin, showing partial specificity of the,adsorbent to the individual metal ions. The validity of the model was confirmed by the alignment between the modeled equilibrium surface and 225 experimental points obtained for two different experimental sets.