Applied Chemistry, Vol.2, No.1, 238-241, May, 1998
미분탄의 연소특성에 관한 연구
A Study on the Combustion Characteristics of the Pulverized Coal
The main objectives of this study were to collect experimental data that can be used to predict the combustion characteristics of pulverized coals and that can be applied to find optimum operating conditions of utility boilers. Three different coals were tested; Amcoa, Drayton, and Ulan coals. The test coals were pulverized and sorted out with two standard sieves so that the coals could have mean particle diameter of either 63㎛ or 125㎛. The results showed that the Drayton coal has the best combustion characteristics among the three test coals, and that the Amcoal might be classifed into the coals having the worst combustion characteristics.