Applied Chemistry, Vol.2, No.1, 270-273, May, 1998
크롬과 시안이 공존하는 폐수의 전해처리 특성
The Characteristics of Electrolysis Treatment of Chrominum and Cyanide containing Wastewater
The effect of the various operating conditions on the removal of Chrominum and Cyanide from wastewater by using electrolysis with iron anode and aluminum cathode was investigated. The removal efficiency of Cr6+ and CN were increased as the pH was decreased, as the distance of electrode was decreased and the voltage was increased. The optimum conditions for the treatment of Cr6+ and CN containing wastewater were initial pH 3, 5volt, and the distance of electrode was 1cm. At these conditions, 99.44% of Cr6+ and 75% of CN were removed.