Journal of Materials Science, Vol.31, No.24, 6477-6483, 1996
High-Temperature Deformation and Fracture Processes in Sintered Reaction-Bonded Silicon-Nitride
Studies of the high-temperature deformation behaviour of sintered reaction-bonded silicon nitride (SRBSN) materials were conducted at 1200 degrees C in air under selected stress levels, which were applied at a single stress or as a sequence of stepwise increasing stresses. The objective was to evaluate the effects of the fabrication methods (conventional versus microwave heating process), microstructure, and precursor silicon powder purity on the deformation and fracture processes during creep loading of SRBSN materials containing a mixture of 3 wt % Al2O3 and 9 wt % Y2O3 sintering additives. Results indicated that all of the SRBSN materials exhibited a threshold stress above wh ich the dominant process underwent transition from creep to extensive creep-assisted crack growth (CACG) from existing pores. In addition, the microwave SRBSN materials exhibited a better resistance (higher threshold stress) to CACG process, compared with those fabricated by conventional heating with the same metallurgical grade of silicon powder. The higher threshold stress observed in microwave SRBSN is mainly associated with the increased number density of elongated grains and the related higher fracture toughness. However, the minimum creep rates and stress exponents obtained in the creep regime were independent of the heating method. The microwave SRBSN material fabricated with lower purity silicon also exhibited a higher threshold stress for multiple crack formation and growth as compared with that processed with higher purity silicon. Conversely, the creep rate of microwave SRBSN materials was decreased by decreasing the impurity revel (i.e. iron) in silicon powder.