Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, Vol.35, 182-199, 2015
An analytical model for predicting counterflow flame propagation through premixed dust micro particles with radiative heat loss
In this paper, an analytical model has been performed to scrutinize the structure of the flame propagation in counterflow configuration where the mixture of solid fuel particles and air are injected as opposed streams. The structure of counterflow premixed flame in a symmetric configuration, containing uniformly distributed volatile fuel particles, with nonunity Lewis number is examined with considering radiative heat loss effect in counterflow configuration with strain rate issue. The flame structure governing equations, required boundary conditions, and matching conditions are applied for each zone in order to solve the differential equations. The flame position is determined, mass fraction of solid particles and gaseous phases, effect of Lewis number change on the gaseous and solid fuel mass fraction distribution, and the role of strain rate, and different particle diameters are investigated with and without considering thermal radiation effect. In addition, the effect of equivalence ratio on the flame temperature, mixture temperate and non-dimensional flame position is investigated in counterflow flame propagation. According to our finding, the burning velocity of counterflow flame remarkably increases as a function of vaporization Damkohler number as well as non-dimensional vaporization temperature with considering thermal radiation effect in counterflow domain. (c) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords:Premixed counterflow combustion;Two-phase mathematical modeling;Volatile particle-cloud;Radiative heat loss