Applied Chemistry, Vol.3, No.2, 117-120, October, 1999
Al계 무기고분자 응집제를 이용한 인과 탁질의 제거효과
The removal of turbidity and phosphate using polymeric aluminium coagulants
The research was undertaken to study on the removal effect of turbidity and phosphates in drinking water system using polymerc aluminium coagulants. From the experimental results, 15~50㎛ size of muddy particles in raw water was effectively removed by polymeric aluminium coagulants (PACS), but small particle groups of 5~15 ㎛ was remained as 50% of orignal amounts in the treated water. Polymeric aluminium coagulants (Ca-PAX) were effective in reducing turbidity and ortho-phosphates (PO43-), especially down to 1 ppm.