Applied Chemistry, Vol.3, No.2, 240-243, October, 1999
광촉매 반응을 이용한 폐수 중의 불붕산염 이온의 분해
Photocatalytic Decomposition of Fluroborate in Waste Water
Photocatalytic decomposition of fluroborate was studied. Unmodified, single component photocatalysts exhibited poor activities, while TiO2 (P25) showde the best activity among them. Maximum removal ratio of fluoroborate was obtained at about pH 4. In order to enhance the activity, a variety of catalysts including metal-doped and composite semiconductors were prepared. In the case of metal-doped semiconductors, alkali metals lowered the activity, while Fe and Cr drastically enhanced the activity. 1.0 wt%Fe/TiO2 showed the best activity of 41% aming the metal-doped semiconductors. In the case of composite semiconductors, CdS-TiO2 showed maximum activity of 45% among all the catalysts used in experiment.