Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Vol.400, 105-113, 2003
Designing better columnar mesophases
The conductivity, photoconductivity and mesophase ranges of hexaalkoxytriphenylene (HAT)-based discotic liquid crystals are all increased by adding one equivalent of {hexakis(4-nonylphenyl)dipyrazino[2,3-f:2'3'-h]quinoxalene} (PDQ9). For some triphenylene derivatives, addition of PDQ9 induces liquid crystal behaviour, for HAT-based homopolymers the alignment characteristics are improved and for some HAT-based block copolymers, addition of PDQ9 induces microphase separation. The bonding interaction between the HAT and PDQ components is described as a CPI (complementary polytopic interaction) and is best modelled as an atom by atom sum of van der Waals and multipolar terms. Although strong it does not detectably perturb the electronic structure of either component and there is no charge-transfer.