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Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Vol.96, 184-190, 2015
Optimization and implementation of a foam system to suppress dust in coal mine excavation face
Foam technology is more efficient than water sprays for dust control in coal mines, but the traditional foam system is complex and poses problems related to foam production and spraying application, with high water consumption, unstable equipment and relatively low utilization efficiency of foam. This paper describes an optimized foam system which overcomes these disadvantages. The proposed foam generator has a self-suction unit that uses a turbulent-flow water jet to automatically draw in ambient air and foaming agent, thereby eliminating the need for compressed-air hoses and pipes. As well as simplifying the system, it solves the current problem of water backflow created by high-pressure compressed air. A refined foam spraying structure was developed for use in conjunction with an operating roadheader as it produces and diffuses dust. The structure consists of foam distribution supports and arc-fan nozzles. It can produce a more focused, continuous and uniform coverage at the source of the dust. The optimized system consumes less water and foaming agent, and achieves greater dust-suppression efficiency than methods in current use. (C) 2015 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.