Przemysl Chemiczny, Vol.94, No.6, 938-942, 2015
Phosphates(V) ions recovery from cattle manure
Modified cattle manure contg. 0.340% by mass phosphate(V) ions was treated in lab. exptl. plant equipped with an internal forced circulation of the suspension by stirring at pH 9, 298 K, agitation speed 240 rpm for 3600 s. The resulting solid product contained struvite (58.6% by mass), amorphous Ca-3(PO4)(2) (36.2% by mass) and NaCl and KCl 3.6 and 1.6% by mass, resp. The final concn. of phosphate(V) ions in the mother liquor was 12 mg/kg. The ay. solid particle size was 37.0 mu m (max. 220 mu m). Homogeneity within population of product particles was unsatisfactory due to high agglomeration effects.